Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Preparing for Spring

  A few weeks ago, we attended "Seedy Saturday" on 02/25 and planted a few seeds for the Spring.  Thanks to Sarah from Sarah's Kitchen Gardens, we started a cilantro, sage, and two basil plants.  It has now been just over a week, and our sprouts are going strong.  Admittedly, I'm a little worried.  I was told not to take them out from cover until their first true leaves formed, but these babies are already too big to be covered up by saran wrap.

  I hope they do well in our apartment...  We don't have too much direct sun, and it is still a bit too cold to take them outside!  Here is what they look like so far!

  I <3 cilantro!  Once the sprouts get a little bit bigger, we will start to thin them out.  So far, this plant seems to be growing the fastest.

  Yay for sage!  It looks like there will be a clear winner when it comes to thinning time.  This is the only perennial herb we have this year.  Can't wait for the Summer to throw this in some pasta!

 Our little basil.  This one is still inside of a container to stay humid.  A couple of the sprouts have started, though they aren't growing as fast as the sage and cilantro.  For the two basils, I planted 7 seeds each.  And by planted, I mean laid them on the soil and lightly raked, b/c the seeds are so tiny, they don't need to be buried deep.

  And finally, our lemon basil.  This has only one small sprout so far.  And it is pretty hard to see it b/c of a bit of dirt on it.  I thought I could brush it off to get a better picture, but I accidentally pulled out the little sprout.  :S  Hopefully, it will be all right.  I tried making a little hole for it and putting it back upright.  I also hope to see some more sprouts coming up soon.

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